Sunday, 12 June 2011

The Right Approach (TRA)
TRA - The Right Approach™, is a balanced, multifaceted approach to weight loss. Combining supplementation, eating right and exercise into one program, TRA provides one of the most comprehensive, effective and safest weight loss systems available.

Why Choose TRA?
If we have the safest, no weight rebound weight management program, where you can eat more and eating out from day one, to slim down, losing unwanted fats, while building your muscle mass, without the cravings and stress, would you be interested?
i) The Complete System In order for the TRA System to be really successful, we have the 4 in 1 system that handles the weight management issues from all angles: 
1. The Important Nutrition Supplementations, 
2. The Right 3333 Food Concept that can last a lifetime, 
3. The Right 10 minute Stretching exercise at home, 
4. The Special personal coaching and the TRA Success Class that guarantees success. Where can you find the kind of personal coaches that are so keen to see one succeed in losing the fats and achieving their great health status than with us? Certainly not from the salary earners from the weight loss shops out there. Salary job earners from the traditional shops just do their jobs as salary earners. But our expanding trained coaches are entrepreneurs who needed more new successful customers to be their testimonials so that they can be even more successful! Most of the time, they are more anxious to see their customers succeed.

ii) The Important Nutritional Supplementation
Other than the TRA complex component of the TRA system, there are also the other relevant components that complete the total weight management concept:
With the Duolean (special form of wheat extract & Cactus extract) that blocks carbohydrate absorption and speed up excretion of dietary fats by 28%, Diene-O-Leen (extract of a certain plant oil) that encourages fat loss and speed up building of muscle mass, and the balanced nutrition TrimShakes (to replace only one of the three meals of the day) that actually regulates the right calories that prevent fat gain with soluble fibres while giving your body the right protein. While fat burning produces alot of free radicals, the complete LifePak formulation of a network of 45 antioxidants and 37 mineral nutrients ensure that they mop up all the free radicals from the fat burning, making the participants looking younger than before! That is why when some of the other programs out in the market caused their weight management participants to look older when they lost weight, our TRA participants looked younger!

iii) The Right 3333 Food Concept
Perhaps the best thing about our program is that you start by eating outside from day one onwards just like your usual daily routine. While your body is gradually opening itself to accept the new habits and lifestyle and adjusting to the environment due to the optimum supplementation, our coaches will guide you on the right 3333 food concept that includes fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrate, which will last your lifetime, where it assures you no weight rebound after the program.

This is perhaps the most important aspect of your 90 day program where, once done properly, will assure you of no weight rebound. If one where to try to adapt this right food concept without the right nutritional supplements, it would have been almost impossible, not to mention the additional stress, plus the slow results that will cause many to give up. But with the right Pharmanex TRA nutrition, all of this becomes a breeze and fun too! The only minor complaint we always hear is that the participants have to eat a little more! One thing for sure - there will be no hunger pangs and cravings in the TRA AP Advanced Program!

iv) Exercise
TRA does not need you to go to the gym or heavy exercise. TRA is a humane system which suitable to our busy lifestyle.

v) Special personal coaching and the TRA Success Class
This is the most comprehensive personal franchise program where the Head and Personal Coaches will deliver fun filled programs to help you slim with peer support. We show a variation of tasty menus that taste fantastic but healthy at the same time backed by modern health concepts that you can't find in the other food programs and health magazines outside. Surprises you with what you thought so but its not. No wonder people find it hard to lose fat while we have ways to make it so easy!
You can eat so much tasty stuff and slim down at the same time! The secrets are in the TRA Success Class. The personal coaches can provide a daily coaching call everyday (if you choose to) at your designated time to chat with you if you want to. Last but not least, we can even show you a way to make your program free of charge to you. Yes, for those who are a little more enterprising while saving lives at the same time, there is a business opportunity here too.